What is IPT Alternative Cancer Treatment?
Insulin Potentiation Therapy is a protocol for administering traditional chemotherapeutic drugs using Insulin to transport the chemotherapeutic drugs across the cell membrane into the cancer cells. A much lower dose of the highly toxic drugs is required, because IPT treatment targets only the cancer cells, sparing the good cells. The cancer cells get the chemotherapeutic drugs, not the normal cells. Therefore, the patient does notsuffer the severe side effects so common with conventional chemotherapy – no hair loss, vomiting, or fevers. The quality of life remains high during treatment.
What cancers respond to IPT?
IPT treatment has beenreported to work well for many different types of cancers. There are also reports of IPT bringing responses and remissions to patients with some very difficult cancers, even cancers in late stages. Of course, each patient is evaluated anew, depending upon the type of cancer, the virulence of the individual cancer cells, and the stage of development of the cancer when the patient first comes for treatment.
Why is IPT needed?
Over time, regular chemotherapy dosages may so compromise the patient's blood counts, immune system, and organ function as to preclude further treatment or even cause organ damage resulting in the patient's death. IPT eliminates the "lesser of two evils" decision all cancer patients face when diagnosed. Patients fare well as they experience a gentle and effective answer to cancer.
Is IPT just as effective as the chemotherapy my oncologist would prescribe?
It does appear that the percentages for remission and survival are at least as good as with conventional chemotherapy, and probably much better. IPT has been used successfully in foreign countries for over 70 years. It has only recently been used in the USA, and there are many happy patients who now support this modified form of chemotherapy. They do say that IPT is not only more effective than conventional chemotherapy, but also that it is certainly more comfortable than the suffering they experienced with regular chemotherapy.
What are the dangers of regular/conventional chemotherapy?
Cancer cells are voracious in fighting for the life-sustaining glucose found in the blood stream. With 16 times the number of insulin and insulin-like receptors of a healthy cell, cancer cells steal any and all essential nutrients from the blood stream before the good cells can get any. This is why, in advanced stages of cancer, the tumor continues to grow while the patient becomes emaciated and simply wastes away. Added to this, because of the cancer cell’s amazing internal protection against toxins, standard administered chemotherapy must be in large enough quantities to force its penetration into the cancer cells. This results in the indiscriminate penetration and killing of healthy cells as well, frequently leaving the patient with fever, nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and a substantially diminished quality of life.
Are there any side effects of IPT treatment ?
Almost none. There is certainly no hair loss, no going home to shiver in bed for a day or two, and no severe vomiting. There is occasional constipation, which is easily controlled by simple medications. Some nausea is occasionally encountered for a few hours after the first couple of treatments, but this is also easily managed.
What are the benefits of IPT?
• IPT can be very tough against tumors while being very gentle for the patient, who continues to live a normal, vital lifestyle while being treated. Treatments require only approximately 1 ¼ hours, so many patients are able to continue to work at their customary vocations while undergoing these weekly treatments.
• If there is a chemotherapy drug that works against a particular type of tumor, it is likely to work better if potentiated with insulin.
• Gentle treatment sometimes precludes the need for surgery or radiation. But when surgery or radiation is required, IPT can be administered simultaneously, unlike conventional chemotherapy.
• Treatments costs are significantly less than standard chemotherapy, and most insurance carriers do pay a significant portion of the fees.
• As compared to conventional chemotherapy, there are no severe and debilitating side effects. The patient can easily continue with normal daily activities, enjoying a high quality of life while avoiding severe vomiting, hair loss, or fevers.
Are there any dangers in IPT treatment?
Unlike with conventional chemotherapy, there have been no reported deaths as a result of IPT. In brief, there is no danger. The worst side effect encountered is easily managed constipation. Unlike conventional chemotherapy, anemia and decreased platelet counts are unusual and usually not so severe as to require transfusions.
What should I expect when being treated?
We usually advise that 18-22 treatments are required to achieve remission. However, we have observed complete remissions after only six treatments, and occasionally more than 22 treatments are required. It all depends on the type of cancer cell and how far it has advanced in the patient’s body.
IPT is administered in the same manner as traditional chemotherapy—the patient rests in a recliner while the chemotherapeutic agent is received through an IV. The procedure takes about 1 1/4 hours. The number and frequency of treatments vary with each patient.
Insullin Potentiation Therapy: A More In Depth Look
Chemotherapy drugs are powerful cell-killing agents. In current medical practice, getting these drugs into the inside of cells where they do their work requires that they be administered in doses high enough to force them across the membranes of cancer cells.
A major drawback to this dosing strategy is a serious dose-related side effect profile frequently seen with anticancer drugs. This happens because chemotherapy agents do not discriminate between cancer cells and other normal cells in the patient's body. They kill both kinds of cells, therefore there are side effects.
With recent advances in our understanding of the inner workings of cancer cells, it is now possible to avoid the dose-related side effects of chemotherapy, while at the same time increasing the effectiveness and specificity of these agents in killing cancer cells. The key to this is an innovative strategy for drug delivery called Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT).
Readers will recognize insulin as being the hormone used to treat diabetes. Secreted by the pancreas in healthy people, insulin is a powerful hormone with many actions in the human body, a principal one being to manage the delivery of glucose across cell membranes into cells. Insulin communicates its messages to cells by joining up with specific insulin receptors scattered on the outer surface of the cell membranes. Every cell in the human body has some of these receptors, with there being from one hundred to one hundred thousand of them per cell.
One might well ask, "What does any of this have to do with cancer cells?" It is a well-known scientific fact that cancer cells have a voracious appetite for glucose. Glucose is their unique source of energy, and because of the relatively inefficient way cancer cells burn this fuel, they use up a great deal of it. This is one reason why cancer patients lose so much weight. Because cancer cells require so much glucose, they virtually steal it away from the body's normal cells, thus starving them.
The interesting connection between cancer cells and insulin is that recent findings published in the scientific medical literature report that cancer cells actually manufacture and secrete their own insulin. That cancer cells should be able to do this makes good sense, knowing of their requirements for large amounts of glucose to fuel their processes of uncontrolled growth. Related to this insulin secretion, and central to the operation of Insulin Potentiation Therapy, is the even more interesting fact that cancer cells have ten times more insulin receptors per cell than any of the normal cells in the body. This fact creates a valuable opportunity for the chemotherapy of cancer because it significantly differentiates normal cells from the cancerous ones.
Having ten times more insulin receptors than normal cells means that the effect of administered insulin will be ten times greater on cancer cells than on normal cells. With this difference, combined with actions of insulin in Insulin Potentiation Therapy, we are able to deliver an effective dose intensity of chemotherapy drugs to the inside of cancer cells - selectively, with a sparing of normal tissues - and this can be accomplished using greatly reduced doses of the drugs, effectively eliminating all their dose-related side effects.
There is a kind of poetic justice in this wonderful coincidence of cancer cell biology. The mechanisms that cancer cells use to kill people are the same ones manipulated in IPT to selectively potentiate chemotherapy effects in them, and to more safely and effectively kill the cancer cells. A published article about cancer cells in tissue culture reported that the addition of insulin to the culture medium enhanced the cell-killing effect of methotrexate - a commonly used chemotherapy drug - by a factor of up to ten thousand. This striking result was attributed to two effects on the cancer cells.
One was an effect of insulin to increase the trans-membrane transport of the methotrexate into the cell. The other was what the authors called "metabolic modification by insulin" within the cancer cells. There is yet another wonderful and powerful coincidence of cancer cell biology involved in this factor of "metabolic modification" - one that fits right in with the workings of Insulin Potentiation Therapy.
Just as cancer cells have their own independent secretion of insulin for unlimited access to the fuel they require, they also have their own independent secretion of something called insulin-like growth-factor to provide them with an unlimited stimulus for growth. Cancer cells also have ten times more of the receptors for insulin-like growth-factor on their cell membranes - just as for the insulin receptors.
The metabolic modification by insulin mentioned above results from the fact that not only can it join up with its own specific receptors on cell membranes, but insulin is also able to join up with the receptors for insulin-like growth-factor, and to communicate messages about growth to these cells. While it may seem highly undesirable for a cancer therapy to actually promote cancer cell growth, this is in fact a valuable effect of insulin here.
Chemotherapy side-effects result from actions on the cells of patient's hair follicles, their bone marrow, and the cells lining the stomach and intestines. This is what causes the hair loss, low blood cell counts, and the nausea and vomiting. What these different cell types all have in common - along with cancer cells - is that they are all rapidly dividing cells.
Chemotherapy drugs like to attack rapidly dividing cells, indiscriminately. In a tumor, not all the cancer cells are in this rapidly dividing stage all at once. They take turns. When insulin joined up with the excess of insulin-like growth-factor receptors on those cancer cells in the tissue culture, it stimulated growth in many of the cells that were not in this growth phase. This "metabolic modification by insulin" rendered more of these cells susceptible to chemotherapy attack, contributing to their increased death rate as observed in the experiment.
In Insulin Potentiation Therapy, insulin administration does cause the blood glucose to go down. This is called hypoglycemia. This hypoglycemia is an anticipated side-effect of the insulin, one rapidly and effectively controllable with intravenous glucose infusions at an appropriate time, according to the IPT protocol. The principal role insulin plays in IPT is that of a biologic response modifier. It modifies the biologic response of cancer cells in such a way that lowered doses of anticancer drugs, administered in conjunction with insulin, will kill the cancer cells more effectively. Insulin modifies the cell membrane allowing more anticancer drugs into the cell. It also modifies the growth characteristics in tumors making more of the cancer cells vulnerable to anticancer drug effects.
Due to the great excess of insulin-sensitive receptors on cancer cell membranes, we are now able to create a clear differentiation between cancer and normal cells using insulin.
Because of this important element of differentiation, along with the biologic response modification insulin produces, conventional chemotherapy drugs get targeted more specifically and more effectively inside the cancer cells only, and this can occur with the use of greatly reduced doses of these cell-killing drugs. Cancer cells die, tumors shrink, and no side-effects are caused in any other tissues. Insulin Potentiation Therapy appears to be a wonderful new way of treating cancer using nothing other than conventional chemotherapy drugs.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have at info@lesbreitmanmd.com
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Nice post. Chemo therapy is not the best solution to fight against cancer. There are many side effects of chemo therapy as the drugs that is given under it is highly toxic. So it is better to opt for alternative treatment like IPT that you have suggested or go for a personalized therapy.
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